Houston Sports Talk

What's Different about Jalen Green? | Amen Thompson's Future Position? | Rockets Future Starting 5?



Host Robert Land asks Rockets Chop Shop Contributor & Upside Swings Podcast Host Cooper Klein if Jalen Green's surge is different from his previous surges post All-Star, what's stuck out about the team since the break, what's Amen Thompson's future position & what his starting 5 next year would be.(1:00) Is Jalen Green's surge different from previous surges post All-Star?(3:25) What's stuck out about the team since the break?(6:07) What's helped the Rockets play faster?(7:52) Amen Thompson's future position?(10:29) Is Amen Cooper's 2nd best player from his draft?(11:45) Why is Amen better than his brother Ausur?(14:42) Who's Cooper's starting 5 next yr?(22:41) Who should the Rockets take in the draft?Subscribe on Youtube, Spotify, Apple, iHeart & GoogleTiktok @HoustonSportsTalkRobertX @HSTPodcast#jalengreen #amenthompson #rockets #alperensengun #jabarismith #tarieason