Houston Sports Talk

Ep. 375: Christmas Shopping for Rockets Trade Targets | No Miley in Astros Stocking | H-Town Athlete of the Decade?



Who can the Rockets grab at the trade deadline? Did the Texans get a big break in this week's game against Tampa? What do the Astros still need to do this offseason? HST Correspondent R.G. Seal joins Hosts Robert Land and Stephen Kerr to look at: 1) Do the Rockets struggles have reasons or excuses?2) Westbrook finally healthy3) Rockets Trade Ideas4) Wade Miley goes, Joe Smith stays5) 3 Texan Pro Bowlers6) Who's Houston's athlete of the decade?Email Info@HoustonSportsTalk.net for questions or comments. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @HSTPodcast