Feast Of Fun : Gay Talk Show

Does My Voice Sound Gay?



How you talk and the way you sound matters, like, you know? A whole lot. Really!Our speech patterns, accents and word choices make a strong first impression. It influences the way people think about somebody when they know absolutely nothing about them.If you spend a lot of time around gay men, black women or drag queens, chances are you’ll greet them with a — hey girl!Many young male actors coming to Hollywood, some of them gay, some of them not, secretly hire speech coaches to train their voices to sound more sexual orientation neutral, so they can pass better and take on leading man roles.[Originally posted as FOF #1550 – This is the Voice I Want to Use – 03.26.12]MyIt’s very common for business people from other countries take speech classes to help them communicate more clearly.The way we talk has a lot to do with not just where we come from, but who we surround ourselves with. Are you a fraud then if you change the way you speak?Today we’re joined by speech pathologist and video blogger Jennifer Tarle t