Feast Of Fun : Gay Talk Show

FOF #2850 - Silver, Sexy and Sixty-Nine



As we see gay folks living longer, there’s a new found appreciation for silver daddies and even grandpas as sex symbols.But even though Dwayne Jonson and Paul Mason make aging look delicious, getting older isn’t always as sexy as it looks- your back hurts, the D don’t work and the text size on your phone is now set to “billboard.”Today, gay publishing pioneer and now comedian Louis Weisberg joins us to look at aging and raging gracefully. What are the never ending ways your body betrays you and how to ride the rapids when going into your golden girls years?LOUIS WEISBERG: https://www.facebook.com/louis.weisbergPlus–➤ A medical fetish site donates disposable scrubs to the UK’s National Health System.➤ Queen Elizabeth is doing fine, despite the rumors.➤ Film and Music studio executive David Geffen gets slammed online after flaunting his half a billion dollar yacht in a coronavirus ‘Stay Safe’ Instagram post.____________________FEAST OF FUN IS MADE POSSIBLE BECAUSE OF FABULOUS PEOPLE LIKE YOU.LISTEN TO THOUSANDS