Feast Of Fun : Gay Talk Show

FOF #2848 - Tiger King: Gay Rednecks, Caged Animals, Guns & Meth



Folks cooped up during the coronavirus pandemic are wild for Netflix’s Tiger King, a true crime docu-series about an eccentric group of private zoo owners battling it out over who is king of the caged jungle.The show has everything: wild animals, queer throuples, a one armed trans guy, alligator arson, mullets, a missing husband, pizza made with expired Walmart meat, multiple zoo based sex cults, a crazy cat lady and country songs about tigers and gay love.Who knew all it took for the country to forget their troubles is a gay redneck seducing straight men with tigers, guns and meth?Today comedian Carly Balerini joins us to take a look at the hit documentary series Tiger King and the outrageous stuff they left on the cutting room floor.CARLY BALLERINI: https://www.instagram.com/carlyballerinicomedyPlus--➤ Celebrities with too much time on their hands are going off the rails on social media➤ Comedian Kevin T. Porter collects hundreds of stories of “Ellen Degeneres being mean” for charity.____________________FEA