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6 Easy Steps To Working Hard and Avoiding Burnout | Brad Stulberg



In today’s episode, we cover groundedness with Brad Stulberg. Brad coaches executives, entrepreneurs, physicians, and athletes on health, well-being, and sustainable excellence, and is the bestselling author of The Practice of Groundedness: A Transformative Path to Success that Feeds -- Not Crushes -- Your Soul. Being present is harder than ever in a world with a million things fighting for our attention, so what can you do to stay grounded in a world of distractions, what mindset can you adopt to work hard without burning out, and build a community that keeps your carries your momentum forward? What to Listen For Introduction – 0:00 What is groundedness and what does it mean to practice groundedness? The Principles of Groundedness – 10:22 What practice can you implement to accept where you are in the moment so you can make better decisions about where to go next? What is the best thing you can do if you feel like you’re in a hole and time has slowed down to a crawl?  The Key to Feeling Good and Being H