Plant-based Diet

Clean Haircare



What chemicals are lurking in your shampoo and other haircare products? Do you have skin issues? In the third of three episodes on clean beauty, we chat with celebrity hair designer and World founder, Brian Phillips. After ten years being a hairstylist, Brian developed contact dermatitis on his hands. The culprit? Fragrance in haircare products. Brian shines a light on the over-marketing and greenwashing in the haircare industry and discusses how suffering from his skin condition led him to research and create a line of multi-purpose, non-toxic hair and skin products. In this episode you’ll here:1:50 - How Brian’s contact dermatitis caused by fragrance in haircare products led him to create his own line of hair and skin products6:20 - Over-marketing and waste in the haircare industry 10:30 - Haircare ingredients and their link to illness13:40 - State of regulation of toxic chemicals: Canada v US16:30 - What is the biggest offender in haircare products? Colour? Hair straighteners?22:30 - Gluten free and vegan