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Toolbox | 7 Simple Ways to Identify Toxic Relationships and 5 Powerful Tips to Remove Them



In today’s episode, we cover toxic relationships with AJ, Johnny, and Michael. Toxic relationships can suck the joy and satisfaction out of our lives, so what can you do to recognize the toxic relationships in your life, what can you do to remove them, and what traits should you look for when bringing new people into your life? What to Listen For What makes a toxic person toxic – 0:00 What one question can you ask yourself to determine if someone in your life is toxic? What situations draw out toxic people in our lives and how can we recognize them when they show themselves? Identifying toxic people in your life – 11:49 What simple methods can you use to identify toxic relationships in your life? How can your own self-awareness help you recognize why you are surrounding yourself with certain people? What can you do to support friends and family who have different values than you? The 7 signs of toxic people – 22:44 What are the 3 ways toxic people will try to control you and