

Rituals are powerful tools cultures have used for all of recorded history to strengthen group bonds, so how do rituals bring us closer, why are rituals so commonly associated with religion, and what can you do to develop your own rituals to bring you and your family and friends closer together? What to Listen For Why is it so important to encourage curiosity in children and what can you do to impart a sense of curiosity in your kids? Why is a tolerance for ambiguity difficult but crucial in the scientific search for knowledge and understanding of the world around us? What was it like growing up as the child of Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan? How do we use rituals to deal with change and how can you use rituals to minimize the suffering you will experience throughout life? What should you say to someone who has just lost a loved one and doesn’t necessarily hold religious beliefs about an afterlife? What rituals can we use to help us cope with painful events in life and why can not having a ritual amplify the