The Art Of Charm | High Performance Techniques| Cognitive Development | Relationship Advice | Mastery Of Human Dynamics

741: Train Your "Happy" | Q&A w/ Christoph Schnedlitz of hiMoment



Happiness is not a destination, but what does it mean to enjoy the journey, especially when the journey is bound to have rough patches, and what daily habit can you start doing now to make the journey a happy one? What to Listen For How can journaling improve your overall happiness and what one question can you use as a prompt everyday to get you started on the right track? Why do the big moments we look forward to (graduation, wedding, promotion, etc) have little to no impact on our overall happiness? Is the difference between happy people and unhappy people the events in their lives or the way they perceive the events? If happiness is a choice, what can you do to maximize that choice? How do your friends, family, and coworkers influence your ability to be happy? If you’re going through a break up, what can you do to help mitigate the pain and sadness you feel so you don’t get stuck? How can striving for success for the wrong reasons lead to you failing to be happy? What is contributing to all of the