

How To Get Lucky in Sales #451 How's your luck been lately? Have the winds of fate been in your favor?  Or is it the case that the only luck you have is bad luck? Well our Western culture poo poohs the notion of luck because luck has an element of randomness to it and Westerners don't like that. They love to be in control. The self-improvement industry beats the drum that hardwork is the sure path to success. If you haven't reached it by doing X amount of work, it advises that you need to 10X it. You need to go all in. In a way the Tao agrees. Lao Tzu speaks of the power of water and although it's soft but over time it can cut through the hardest of rock. That's what happened to the Grand Canyon. But the Tao also speaks of the cyclic nature of life, the ongoing passing of the seasons. You won't find success in the snow shoveling business in July. It's not bad luck, it's just not your time. There is something to this paradox of hard work vs opportunity. Let's examine it. Luck, that's the topic for today.   How