Being Well With Lauren

Episode 76 Being well with Lauren



Hi every one, I hope that you are well. Do you ever have a moment of self realisation? Sometimes we have moments in our life during which we have an epiphany. In the last couple of days I realised I truly realised that when we wish for something we do not have in the present moment we are essentially stealing time from our authentic self and giving this to our egoic self. When we look towards the future rather sit in the present we lose the amazing opportunity to live. And when we wish for tomorrow or next week or next year we steal today and the following days from ourselves. It is so important to walk in each step to breathe in each breath and to notice each sunset. Do you sit in the present? Do you experience each amazing moment that life presents us with? Or do you look back in time or wish forward in time? It's challenging isn't? To truly sit in the present takes dedication and practice. But it's so worth it. Because it is only in the present that we can find happiness. Much love to all Lauren AKA the wh