The James Altucher Show

The Secret to Longevity: David Sinclair's Revolutionary Anti-Aging Insights



A Note from James:I particularly want to reverse my aging. I'm not concerned about being able to run a mile or anything like that; I just want to reverse the aging of my brain. I feel there's a definite difference between my brain now and when I was younger. By the way, culturally, we acknowledge that the brain ages. Not only medically, but culturally, you have to adapt to being the wise older person rather than the sharp young person.We had a great conversation with Arthur Brooks about this. He wrote an excellent book, which I can't recommend enough, called "From Strength to Strength." That podcast with Arthur Brooks changed my life in how I view my brain aging. Additionally, several podcasts with David Sinclair about the aging process have also been life-changing.I have used the supplements he recommended and made the lifestyle changes he suggested back in 2019. David has conducted a lot of research in the five years since his book "Lifespan" was released, and I wanted to see what the current state of his r