Faces And Aces: Las Vegas

Episode 28 – Marijuanalogues



April 7, 2017 – With recreational marijuana use now legal in Nevada, I talk to Matthew Janz from The Apothecarium Las Vegas to find out how accessible will cannabis be to tourists. I also have Matt Seibert from the MR BS Show who shares his first time experience in Vegas and gives a pro tip about mixing weed and alcohol. If you’d like to hear the episode where he and his friends talk about the Adventure Combat Ops experience in Las Vegas, click here. I also share a story about a rude awakening from my recent trip to Vegas. If you’d like to read about some of the other things I experienced while in Vegas, like Gordon Ramsay’s Fish & Chips, I’ve written about it at YourTripReports.com. For more information about the topics we talked about in this episode: KushTourism.com BudAndBreakfast.com TheTravelJoint.com Special thank you’s to Scott from Vital Vegas, Vito from Cousin Vito’s Casino & Kara from Playgrounding for having me on as a guest on their podcasts recently. If you’d like to hear these episodes: Vital V