100th Yogi With Hisyogidudeness




Namaste Shining Yogi! Today's contribution to the collective conversation is from an amazing shamanic avatar named Shane Robson. Truly well renowned locally as a superbly dedicated and powerful yogi, his mind is as sharp as his asana practice (which of course is a rare combination, indeed). This was my absolute first recording for the podcast, when I was still starting-out and reaching-out to the yogi community, and in fact, Shane and I just happened to be in the right place at the right time to decide to spontaneously sit down and have this conversation. With that being said, we obviously skipped any format necessarily,  and we just were spirited in the moment... I actually was quite please with what that led us to create, and I HOPE YOU ENJOY! 3:10 - Early roots with smoking herb and communing with nature 4 - Studying Carlos Castaneda from a young age prior to even smoking herb 4:40 - epitomizing the plant medicine with the luminous orb 6:40 - Yogananda vs Don Juan  :   Guru vs Trickster 8:20 - Yoga =