Pegcitychat With Nat

Eps 61 #Interview: How To Manage Workload And Properly Disconnect On Vacation @DrJaimeKulaga



As the days slowly begin to grow longer, more Americans may start thinking about vacation, something recent research suggests they don't take nearly enough of. A survey commissioned by British Airways found that 68% of employed adults have unused vacation days at the end of the year, mainly because work is too busy to take time off.Americans have long been known as workaholics, but the results of the study show that vacation time is suffering in a major way. 29% of respondents said they were saving up vacation days, which they ultimately didn't use.On the rare occasion that people find time to get out of the office, nearly half (48%) of Americans feel refreshed and recharged after a vacation. This is despite the majority of respondents feeling as though they failed to properly disconnect from work while on break.PegCityLovely chats with Dr Jaime Kulaga ( about tips and strategies on how to manage workload and truly disconnect when on vacation.