On Purpose With Jay Shetty

4 Signs You Care Too Much About What People Think & How To Stop Worrying About People’s Opinions



Do you find yourself thinking too much about other people’s opinions? Is it starting to feel like it’s negatively affecting your life?  Today, Jay unveils the subtle yet pervasive signs that indicate a deep-seated concern for others' opinions and the telltale signs that you may be overly influenced by external validation, from struggling to assert boundaries to outsourcing your decision-making to others. Jay Also talks about actionable tips and strategies for reclaiming your sense of self-worth and how to draw inspiration from those who have walked a similar path before you, cultivating resilience and self-assurance in the face of external judgment. Explore the transformative power of reframing your self-perception and embracing a mindset of self-acceptance, as Jay emphasizes the importance of clarity and self-awareness in navigating life's challenges.  In this episode, you'll learn: How to not crave external validation How to stop people-pleasing How to not get swayed by other people’s opinions How to stand