Houston Sports Talk

My Ideal Rockets Draft Pick at 3! | Bill O'Brien Lies about Texans Years? | Espada's Weekly Blunder



Bleav Hosts Robert Land & Stephen Kerr talk about who they believe the Rockets should pick in the 3rd spot, Rudy T's latest honor, Bill O'Brien dishing on his Texans years, an underrated loss in the Texans organization, Espada's weekly blunders, Pressly's struggles & the Astros arm issues. (:50) Who should Rockets pick at 3? (3:50) Rudy T wins Chuck Daly Coach Award (6:55) Texans lose main cog in CJ Stroud & Will Anderson's development (8:55) Bill O'Brien's excuses about his Texans days (13:54) Ryan Pressly = Struggling (17:15) Espada's Blunder #1 (19:50) Espada's Blunder #2 (23:04) Hunter Brown is a phenom again? (24:14) True blame for Astros Tommy John epidemic? (26:06) How do Astros prevent TJ surgeries? (30:43) Can Astros avoid getting hit by baseballs? Subscribe on Youtube, Spotify, Apple & iHeart X @HSTPodcast #rockets #nbadraft #texans #astros