From A Woman's Perspective With Marilyn Weston

Lighting Up the World



Darren Farwell of the Farwell Group   advises us about investing tax efficiently. Easy steps to get financial peace of mind Dr. Betty Rozendaal ND of Thornhill Naturopathic Health Clinic  explains How to have a healthy stress free holiday Dr. Vivien Brown ” author  of “A New Woman’s Guide to Healthy Aging discusses Body Mass Index And Brain health Jeweller Pam Lauz  offers Last minute gift ideas. Plus we”ll get tips and happy stories from your team … .Laurie Bell of Moving Seniors  shares  thoughts- Consider a refillable glass! Realtor Melanie Martyn describes the life and properties north of Toronto, Coming son, 2 story +, 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, updated century home with 2 1/2 car garage/studio . Exposed beams, hardwood floors ++, 90 x 243 lot with private back , located 35 minutes to Toronto in Lloydstown/Schomberg $1,350,000 Kathryn Wilking, Feng Shui coach, practical solutions to a stress free life! Linda Miller, Misty River Introductions, Happy story: Holiday time magical for meeting someone ne