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LiveDrop's secure data sharing without connectivity @ CES 2024



In the digital age, the ability to transfer data offline is a significant breakthrough. LiveDrop, a startup from the Netherlands, has developed an offline data transfer protocol that allows users to transfer data without the need for traditional connectivity methods such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or mobile networks.Innovation in offline data transfer protocolLiveDrop's technology, which has been in development for three years, enables users to transfer data even in environments where traditional connectivity is not available or desired. The technology is cross-platform, working on iOS, Android, Windows, and Linux devices, making it versatile and accessible to a wide range of users.One of the key benefits of LiveDrop's offline data transfer protocol is its simplicity and convenience. Users can simply scan a code, or more realistically a series of changing codes, to transfer files between devices, eliminating the need for an internet connection. This seamless process is ideal for situations where connectivity may be