George Fm Breakfast With Kara, Stu And Tammy Catch Up Podcast

FULL SHOW Back In You Lane TamMY



Here's how an AI described today's show...But we made it Rhyme Tune in to the George Breakfast Podcast, where Lee and Tammy make your morning steadfast. Dean steps in for General Lee, with high-energy vibes that guarantee glee. From epic tunes by Rufus Dussault and What So Not, to sharing tales that hit the spot. Listener tattoos, a topic that’s grand, with laughs and chuckles always on hand. Play “Tool or Tune” with Makita’s help, DJ Tips from Tammy make you yelp. In sports we delve, a Rugby final near, Blues and Chiefs, the rivalry clear. Tammy, torn by team merch in jest, leading to ribbing and fun at his best. The ‘penis alarm’ Carl does deploy, to keep things clean, oh what a ploy. Matariki insights enrich and teach, cultural depths within our reach. Music previewed, new hits on the way, a balanced podcast to make your day. Join the Whānau on Instagram, Facebook & Tik Tok. See for privacy information.