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Cerathrive: Enhancing brain and gut health naturally @ CES 2024



Red light therapy, an innovative technology, is making waves in the wellness industry. This therapy uses red and near-infrared light to stimulate the mitochondria in cells, enhancing their energy production. The benefits of this therapy from Cerathrive are manifold, with significant improvements noted in brain health and gut health.Natural red light therapy products on the marketCerathrive, a company in the wellness industry offers red light therapy products for both the cranium and gut. The company emphasizes the importance of using natural methods to improve health, rather than relying on chemical medications. Their products incorporate sound files, meditation, and breathing exercises, providing a holistic approach to wellness.The Cerathrive therapy works by penetrating through bone and reaching the surface of the brain, providing a holistic approach to improving brain function. It has shown positive impacts on memory, concentration, sleep, and overall cognitive performance.The pricing for these red light t