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Athlete to Innovator: The story of Lumaflex red light therapy @ CES 2024



Portable red light therapy panels are an innovative technology that utilizes the power of red and infrared light to offer a multitude of health benefits. Lumaflex, a leading company in this field, has developed a portable red and infrared light therapy panel that is making waves in the health and wellness industry.The power of portable red light therapyRed and infrared light therapy, which is naturally derived from the sun, is most effective at sunrise and sunset. This light can penetrate the skin and stimulate the mitochondria, the energy-producing components of our cells. By energizing the mitochondria, cells can function more efficiently, leading to improved blood circulation, reduced inflammation, and increased ATP production. These processes can help alleviate pain, foster healing, and enhance overall health and well-being.The Lumaflex portable red light therapy panel is designed for convenience and accessibility, especially for athletes and individuals who are always on the move. The device is fully fle