Clare Fm - Podcasts

Clare Healthcare Campaigner Claims Church's Stance On Assisted Dying Akin To Watching People Suffer



A Clare healthcare campaigner claims adopting the stance of the Catholic Church on assisted dying would see the State "watch people suffer". It follows the publication of a pastoral letter which has criticised the recommendations of the Oireachtas Committee on Assisted Dying - suggesting the proposed legislation would "undermine the confidence of the terminally ill". First assembled in 2023, the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Assisted Dying published its final report in March of this year. The report recommends that the Government introduces legislation allowing for assisted dying in restricted circumstances. As per the report, assisted dying should be an option for terminally ill people with less than six months to live, or 12 months if they are suffering from a neurodegenerative conditions. It's also stated that when a person's capacity to make a decision is in question, a functional test would be introduced as part of the assessment for eligibility. In a pastoral letter issued this week, Irish Catholi