League Of Adventurous Singles With Kira Sabin

Midlife Conversations: Are You in Perimenopause? Let's find out.



Ready to jump on a no-pressure call with me to check out Thrive? My new happiness program for women in midlife. Grab a call here. PERIMENOPAUSE!!! I mean, what is this fresh hell that is perimenopause?  I didn't even know it was a thing until I was smack dab feeling the bullshit symptoms of it. AND IT CAN LAST UP TO 12 YEARS! So, I decided to kick off a whole mini series in our midlife conversations episodes to talk about the mindfuck that is perimenopause & to see if some of the weird shit that you are experiencing is actually tied to hormone changes and perimenopause.   Today I talk about: *My own story with perimenopause...this far. *Facts and stats about perimenopause that may surprise you. *My addition of thorough hormone testing & reading that is completely included in the THRIVE program so we can start getting answers and support. Ready to check out THRIVE?  Go here. Resource Articles for this episode Article 1 Article 2 Article 3 Article 4