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78 Year Old Criminal Weirdo



Who's that weird old man? All the people say He's stinks like a full bedpan Why won't he just go away? He's 78 years old A criminal, a weirdo He's circling the drain Round and round he go We are moving on to a future Bright with new young energy We are not going back We are going forward Donny Trump the criminal Donny Trump the weirdo Dementia now clinical At 78 year old It's time to move forward We are not going back It's time to move forward Not return to the past Let's move on to a future bright With new young energy Without that old criminal weirdo Dragging us back to 1920 He's 78 years old A criminal, a weirdo He's circling the drain Round and round he go It's time to move forward We are not going back Let's dive into the future Together