Claare Ny Gael - Manx Radio

Claare ny Gael 4th August 2024



We come to the end of Sophia Morrison's Introduction to the section of W Y Evans Wentz's 1911 publication, 'The Fairy-Faith in the Celtic Countries', dealing specifically with the Isle of Man, and we hear what he wrote down of whom he met and what they told him when he visited the Island in 1909.Our band of friends are talking about what will need to be done when the boat carrying the box of earth in which Count Dracula is travelling arrives in Varna. Lord Godalming uses his influence which they hope will give them access to the box so that they can destroy the Count. But first they have to wait . . . and wait.As nyn giaull 'sy chlaare shoh -ALAW - Dai'r cantwrARTHUR CORMACK - Puirt e beulRICHARD TRETHEWEY - Jim Stacey/Up over the downs/Cock in breechesTEHI TEGI - Clash VooarARMAND HAAS & SUZANNE DE VILLERS - Disul vintinALANNAH THORNBURGH - BranjoPLU - Gollwng gafaelANAM - Mhurchaidh bhig a chin a'chonaisRICHARD TRETHEWEY - Mineral Point/Two halves