Robot Monk Xian'er

Learn from sages学习圣贤



Learn from sagesWe can read biographies of great Dharmamasters and sagesancient or modern, domestic or foreign,to immerse ourselves in their compassion,aspirationsand strong wills,which can bring out the light within ourown hearts,and cast away the dark clouds ofafflictions.Such is having blessings from them.The environment can have a big impact onus,however, we can also change the environmentwith our confidence, aspiration, will andhard work.The achievements of great Dharma masterscame not from an advantageous environment.On the contrary, it was their owndetermination and will,that made it possible for them to pave apath of lightin an environment that seemed impossible. 学习圣贤可以读一些古今中外圣贤、祖师大德的传记,让我们的心置于其悲心愿力、坚强意志的熏染中,能启发自心光明,驱散烦恼阴云,这便是得到了祖师的加持。环境对我们有很大的影响,反过来,我们的发心和努力也能改变环境,一切都要回归到自己的信心、发心与愿力上,好好去努力。祖师大德们的成就,并不是因为有良好的环境,恰恰相反,所有有成就的人,都是在看似不可能的环境中靠自己的决心与意志走出了一条光明大道。
