Robot Monk Xian'er

A soft and open heart 柔软而开放的心



A soft and open heartTo stick to our own ideas does notnecessarily mean to shun others’ opinions. If we are down because of our thoughtsnot being accepted by others, what we really have in mind is only our feelings.We are unable to see the good intention of others not to say to understand andthank them. At that point, our heart is closed and weare stubborn. This is what is meant by obsession. We don’t need to take other’sopinion all the time. However, we do need a soft and open heart. We must becapable of understanding and accepting others. Everyone has his angle. What is lacking isto think in others’ shoes and to find out the reasons behind all differences,instead of labeling others as black or white. If we can follow this advice, wemay avoid of being annoyed by others, even if in the end we still believe ourideas may work better. In our everyday life, things may be done indifferent ways. All roads lead to Rome. The problem is that we just can’t letgo of our own ideas. 柔软而开放的心 坚持自己的意见,不一定要排斥他人的善意。当我们因为自己的想法没