Robot Monk Xian'er

Wishing for nothing 无求无欲



Wishingfor nothing To wish for nothing is still a wish.It is a wish for liberated ease when alltightly entangled knots are cut off. Therefore, literally, it is not wishing fornothing. There still exists a wish, but fordifferent things. To desire for something does not mean goingupward.The desire for fame and vanity is exactlywhere one starts to degenerate. 无求无欲  “无欲无求”者,所求的是放下羁绊的自在与洒脱,实际上并非完全无所求,只是所求的对象不同罢了;反过来说,“有欲有求”也不代表就是上进,对名利虚荣的追求,恰恰是一个人堕落的开始。