Robot Monk Xian'er

The most precious heart 真正珍贵的心布施



The most precious heart// giving  Donation is to tame one's stinginess, to cultivate one’s compassion and to broaden the capacity of one's heart. There are three kinds of giving: the one offortune, the one of courage and the one of Buddha Dharma. It is not merely the rich who enjoy theright to give; rather the genuine rarity is a heart fullof justice, of the willingness to share and the ability to love.It is a kind of giving when preparing cleanwater to feed birds in torrid summer. Offering seats to those in need on the busis also a kind of giving.When witnessing others doing good, words ofcompliments or appreciative smiles are givings as well.  真正珍贵的心//布施 布施是为了降伏自己的贪吝之心,培养自己的慈悲心,扩大自己的心量。布施分为三种:财布施,无畏布施,法布施,并非只有富人才可以布施,真正珍贵的是一颗平等的、分享的、充满爱的心。天气炎热时,给小鸟准备一些干净的水是布施;在公交车上给需要帮助的人让座也是布施;看到别人行善,送上一句鼓励的话或一个赞赏的微笑也是布施。