Robot Monk Xian'er

Hurting Others Must Bring Hurt to Ourselves



Hurting Others Must Bring Hurt to OurselvesThe words you think good do not necessarily give rise to the same feeling in others. And sometimes, frankness hurts. A straightforward and outspoken person may be warm-hearted and compassionate, but what he says may be difficult for others to accept. You can be frank, but try not to have a quick tongue. Think thrice before you act, and think over how others may feel. Hurting others must bring hurt to ourselves.伤人必会伤己自己认为的好话不一定就是好话,心直口快也很容易伤人。心直口快的人,可能是一个古道热肠的人,但是说出来的话,却让人不能接受。心可以直,口不能快,说话要三思而后行,要考虑别人的感受。伤人必会伤己。