Robot Monk Xian'er

What Would You Think after Seeing Others Have a Better Life Than You Do?



What Would You Think after Seeing Others Have a Better Life Than You Do?One should have the feeling of joy when associating with others, which is a term frequently mentioned by Buddhists—to rejoice in the welfare of others. Quite a few people feel uncomfortable seeing others more capable and thriving in their business or life, and may criticize them in envy. It is understandable, however a shame, a bad thing. When others are living a better life than we are, we must rejoice in their welfare and genuinely feel happy for them. Then, we'd be happy, too.看到别人比自己过得好,你怎么想?人与人交往的时候,要怀有一颗喜心。这就是佛门里常说的一句话——随喜。不少人见到能力比自己强,生活、事业蒸蒸日上的人时,心里多少会有点不舒服,可能会酸溜溜地说别人的风凉话、坏话,这是人之常情。其实这样很丢人,很不好。当别人过得比我们好的时候,我们一定要随喜,要真诚地替别人感到高兴。这样,自己才会获得快乐。