



What Do Angels Look Like?天使是什么样子?They are—天使就像—Like the little old lady who returned your wallet yesterday.那个昨天捡到钱包并把它交还给你的身材矮小的年老妇人。Like the taxi driver who told you that your eyes light up the world when you smile.那个告诉你当你微笑时你的双眸能照亮世界的出租车司机。Like the small child who showed you the wonder in simple things.那个将自己对细小事物的好奇心展现给你的小孩子。Like the poor man who offered to share his lunch with you.那个一贫如洗却仍然愿意将午餐分给你的穷人。Like the rich man who showed you it really is all possible, if only you believe.那个告诉你只要心存信仰一切皆有可能的富人。Like the stranger who just happened to come along,when you had lost your way.那个你迷路时碰巧走过来的陌生人。Like the friend who touched your heart,when you didn’t think you had one left to touch.那个你以为自己无法被触动时,拨动了你心弦的朋友。Angels come in all sizes and shapes,all ages and skin types.天使降临了,他们姿态万千,年龄无所不包,肤色无所不含。Some with freckles, some with dimples,some with wrinkles, some without.有的长满雀斑,有的嵌着酒窝,有的皱纹密布,有的面无瑕疵。They come disguised as friends, enemies,teachers, students, lovers and fools.他们可能装扮成你的朋友,敌人,老师,学生,恋人,甚或傻瓜。They don’t take lif