



Make Room for Happiness 为快乐腾点空间If you want something new and different in your life, you must first make room for happiness by moving out the old.如果你想体验新鲜的东西,首先必须腾出空间。The question is: Where do you start to begin to make room for happiness?挪出旧的东西,为快乐腾点空间。问题是:你该从哪着手为快乐腾出空间?You may find the answer right here马上你就可以找到答案。Time 时间How do you spend your time? Is it wasted time, or refreshing time?你的时间是怎么度过的?你是在浪费时间还是在充分利用它?Does it take you toward your goals, or away from them? Are you consciously spending time, or just letting it happen?它让你更靠近目标还是让你更加远离目标呢?你是自觉安排时间还是只是顺其自然?Environment 环境What no longer is working for you in your environment?在你周围什么东西已经没有价值了?Are there unfinished projects that were important at one time, but no longer intrigue you?是否有曾经很吸引你,如今却不再能激起你兴趣且尚未完成的工作?When you look around, does your environment make you feel good? Make you smile?环视四周,环境是否让你感觉不错?让你微笑?Relationships 关系What relationships are no longer effective to your happiness?什么样的关系已经让你不再感到快乐呢?Do the people in your life support you? Are you proud t