



How often do we come to a place in life where we feel there is no hope, no purpose for going on, no anything to live for? Some of us come to this place often while others just visit once in a while. But I am sure, most of us have been there one time or another.曾几时我们也有过这样一种境况,心怀绝望,心灰意冷,心无寄托。有些人可能会经常遇到这种境况,有些人可能会偶尔光顾。但是我很肯定,我们中的大多数人都曾在生活的不同时期遭遇过这种境况。During such times, the pain is intense, the fear is beyond comprehension and the confusion is great. What do we do at such times? Where do we go? Who do we ask for help? Where do we turn?每当此刻,痛楚在加深,迷惑在增多,恐惧占据着心灵。此刻,我们该做些什么?我们将何去何从?我们将向谁求助?我们的方向在哪里?But there is always hope, always help if we can clear our heads, still our minds and listen to the deep calm voice that comes from somewhere deep within us. This voice has always been there and it will continue to be there. All we have to do is listen…但是我们的生活中总会有希望,总会有人帮助我们,只要我们清醒一下我们的头脑,平静一下我们的思续,倾听我们心灵深处的召唤。这种召唤此刻,将来一直都在那儿,我们所能做的就是去聆听……By being quiet within and listening to the guidance that comes from our soul, we will