



Imagine that your feelings are a child within. If you ignore this child—by ignoring your feelings—this child feels abandoned. Our refusal to feel and take responsibility for our own pain is an inner abandonment and results in anxiety, depression, or inner emptiness.想象一下,你的感情是一个藏在内心里的小孩子。如果你忽略了他——即忽略了你的情感——这个小孩子就会感到被抛弃了。如果我们不去感受,或拒绝对自己的痛苦承担责任,这就是一种内心的抛弃,它会导致焦虑﹑沮丧﹑或是内心的空虚。 Learning to manage the pain of loneliness is essential to discovering your passion and purpose. There is no way of managing loneliness without a deep and personal connection to a spiritual source of love and wisdom. We cannot manage loneliness from our mind alone.点燃你激情的关键,就是学会处理好孤独带来的伤痛。除了与精神源泉——爱和智慧建立起深刻和密切的联系外,没有别的办法能处理好孤独。仅仅靠我们的思想是不可能掌控孤独的。It is our child within: our feeling self that has the blueprint for what has meaning for us, for our passion and purpose. Each of us comes to this planet with a deep purpose to express, and when we don't express this purpose, we end up feeling empty and depressed. Yet we cannot discover this purpose when