The Brendon Show

Building Your Organization



If you're building a company or pursuing a passion at some point you're going to have to build a team and infrastructure to support and help you push the boundaries of your vision. Every team takes time and energy to develop, but it is essential to building your dreams and pursuits to the full extent you know is possible. In this episode, learn why it is crucial to develop your team earlier rather than waiting forever. On your path to growing your dream team, consider this: “If you’re a great people manager, you are an unbelievable asset. However, you will never be truly activated without either greater goals for the organization where you can activate the people you already have or the decision to activate more people to reach a higher goal.” If you're looking for motivation and direction to help you build a dream team, this episode is for you! For coaching from Brendon and some of the best personal development experts in the world for less than $1 per day, visit: Get our HPX Supplement HER