Spoken English Gas Station!




托福口语难太难怎么办?快来和安迪学习有趣的托福口语吧!今日话题:Talk about a historical event you know. 思路:5w+resultWHEN: In 1930sWHERE: In EuropeWHO: Hitler WHICH: air force, tanks and gunsWHAT:1. Invaded Poland; 2. Killed millions of Jews in concentration camp!How was the result?  Terrible/Horrible尝试另一道题目吧!1) Talk about a piece of news you've read lately.2) Do you agree or disagree: Is it important to learn from history?更多考试内容, 请关注微信号:339169386Andy, 资深原新东方口语名师,主教托福,雅思口语以及美式发音课程。对英语口语教学有多年研究,拥有一套独特的口语教学方法,多次带出高分学员甚至满分学员。因获得集团教师大赛第三名,被送至伦敦International House 作为访问学者。上课内容丰富生动,多样的教学法和互动方式让学生在开心地学习中获得必要的技能。