Romance Is Dead

Vol. 7 How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days



This should have been saved for episode 10? Well...yeah I mean some forward planning would have been good, this is free so what do they expect? Mike don't write this down, are you writing this??? Yas and Mike learn how to Lose a Guy in 10 Days and learn that many giant business deals are made through bets. Do people still have sex to music or is it exclusively the Netflix what to watch next screen? DID THIS FILM CURSE BOTH THE NEW YORK KNICKS AND THE SACRAMENTO KINGS? Was this film written by a script writing robot? And Yas has some strong opinions on how hot early 2000's Matt Mcconaughey is. Follow Mike on twitter @boy_from_school follow the pod @romancedeadcast please rate and review us WE LOVE YOU!