Young Adulting

Just Us: Our favorite movies + TV shows.



For today’s episode, in honor of the cooler temps coming our way, we are sharing our favorite TV shows and movies. Hopefully this list will make your winter quarantine a little more entertaining! We have both found that being inside more has led us both to watching a lot more TV than movies. We still stick to our fav genres- Becca almost exclusively watches Rom Coms, and Grace likes anything with secret agents or lawyers, and of course documentaries!  Differences aside, we can both agree that we really do love an old person romance… especially when Nancy Meyers is behind it. We have found a lot of joy in watching our favorite shows from childhood, college, and now to help beat the blues of being stuck inside.   Favorite Childhood Shows: Anne of Green Gables Avonlea Saved by the Bell Gilmore Girls Dawson’s Creek 90210   What we are watching in quarantine: The Politician Love Life Dr. Foster The Morning Show White Collar New Girl Episodes Dead to Me Scandal Never Have I Ever
   Grace’s All Time Favorites: Gilmo