Elton Reads A Book A Week

"Geth Yo Figuh Ow Muh Mouf!" Modern Romance by Aziz Ansari



Dating in the age of the internet is a weird endeavor. All of the indulgence of endless choices, and the anxiety of communicating with people rolled into one. What's a single person to do? Luckily, comedian Aziz Ansari wrote a book about it and Elton is here to talk about it. Does that help you find that special someone in this sea of misfit toys? Maybe? Elton's no "love doctor," but he is awkward enough for everyone involved. Listen to this episode and get a wild ride through modern dating, and some tips on how to improve your odds! GET THE BOOK HERE!--> Modern Romance by Aziz Ansari BECOME AN Elton Reads A Book A Week CONTRIBUTOR HERE: Elton Reads A Book A Week Patreon Tips! SOCIAL MEDIA! https://linktr.ee/EltonReadsABookAWeek EMAIL: eltonreadsabookaweek@gmail.com The following section is reserved for the people, places, things, and more that Elton probably offended in this episode-- THE APOLOGIES SECTION: The LGBTQ+ community, mouth fingering fetishists, the English language, sociologists, dating, God