Via Jazz

El bateria Kendrick Scott presenta "Corridors"



Música que sona al programa: "Corridors" i "A voice through the door" (de l'àlbum "Corridors", 2023) Kendrick Scott, bateria; Reuben Rogers, contrabaix; Walter Smith III, saxo tenor "Milton" i "Lotus" (de l'àlbum "We are the drum", 2015) Kendrick Scott, bateria; Taylor Eigsti, piano; Michael Moreno, guitarra; John Ellis, saxos i clarinet baix; Joe Sanders, baix "The catalyst", "BeLoved-Don Blue" i "Voices" (de l'àlbum "A wall becomes a bridge", 2019) Kendrick Scott, bateria; Taylor Eigsti, piano; Michael Moreno, guitarra; John Ellis, saxos i clarinet baix; Joe Sanders, baix "This song is me" (de l'àlbum "We are the drum", 2015) Lizz Wright, veu. Kendrick Scott's Oracle