
狄金森《我不能和你一起生活》I Cannot Live with You - Emily Dickinson



I cannot live with You --Emily DickinsonI cannot live with You --It would be Life --And Life is over there --Behind the ShelfThe Sexton keeps the Key to --Putting upOur Life -- His Porcelain --Like a Cup --Discarded of the Housewife --Quaint -- or Broke --A newer Sevres pleases --Old Ones crack --I could not die -- with You --For One must waitTo shut the Other&`&s Gaze down --You -- could not --And I -- Could I stand byAnd see You -- freeze --Without my Right of Frost --Death&`&s privilege?Nor could I rise -- with You --Because Your FaceWould put out Jesus&`& --That New GraceGlow plain -- and foreignOn my homesick Eye --Except that You than HeShone closer by --They&`&d judge Us -- How --For You -- served Heaven -- You know,Or sought to --I could not --Because You saturated Sight --And I had no more EyesFor sordid excellenceAs ParadiseAnd were You lost, I would be --Though My NameRang loudestOn the Heavenly fame --And were You -- saved --And I -- condemned to beWhere You were no