Hiram's Lodge: A Riverdale Aftershow

8 and 9. Double-header reviews



On the verge of starting a construction job, Fred loses his crew, which could jeopardize his livelihood, so Archie rounds up his friends to pitch in and help, but things don't go well. With his secret exposed, Jughead worries about how his friends will take it; Betty and Veronica consider throwing a baby shower for Polly, who is apprehensive in light of knowing how everyone feels.  AndA reluctant Archie has an ulterior motive for agreeing to escort Cheryl to her family's official start of maple-syrup tapping, where he picks up information about Betty's sister; Veronica attempts to be nice and befriends a classmate whose father's illegal doings cause problems; Hermione wrestles with telling Fred the truth. Meanwhile, Alice plots revenge on the Blossoms with the help of her two daughters. (Thanks, TV Guide)