Just My Opinion With Spiritual Studd & M.t.

Cosmic Justice



Fam, First, let me say how thankful we are that you are still here! We appreciate our listeners more than you know.  Now, this episode has two major points. First, Dan Savage was asked a question by a listener: "Why won't gay guys date me?" The answer lies in his statement. He is FTM without the surgery or hormones. So, he still presents as female and sometimes wears feminine clothing. So I ask: By this description, would a gay man date this person? My answer is no. MT tried to figure it out. This is quite the dilemma. Second, has anyone heard of Wes Goodman? He called himself the conscience of the conservative movement. He was anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ, and a proponent of "natural marriage." Well, what he was caught doing would be in his own words, "unnatural." He was observed having sex with a man in his office.  Fam, why do they do it? Why must they put themselves in these positions, only to hurt people and be hurt? Well, another one bites the dust. If you want to read the article, the link is below. We en