Crazy Blessed Adventures - Life With A Butt Load Of Kids

Taming Crazy Behavior and Reducing Chaos



What We Do When Behavior Is Getting Out of Control FROM WENDY: Six kids can be crazy. Children in groups have this special way of amplifying one another’s attitudes or behaviors, and when one kid starts getting amped up, things can spiral fast. The key is to recognize the circumstances that lend to crazy and interrupt them as early as possible, before things get out of hand. As a former kindergarten teacher, I typically combat crazy with classroom management strategies. I recognize that this does sometimes make us look more like a freak show than we already do, but fortunately the kids haven't seemed to catch on yet. I'm hoping that I have a few more years before they realize that none of their friends' moms say, "1, 2, 3, eyes on me" to their kids when they're loading up the car. For now, the classroom strategies in my back pocket from years of classroom experience are serving us well. Here are some of my favorite tactics: Clear Directions A lot of times things can get crazy when we're in the middle of a tr