

Family Blog Sites We Love to Read FROM WENDY: I have so many favorite homeschool and family bloggers, and the list is constantly evolving. Especially recently as we've plunged into the homeschool world, I have been extremely grateful for the wealth of information, ideas, and encouragement out there. In alphabetical order, since I love them all too much to rank them: Afterthoughts Brandy Vencel has great resources for people interested in a Charlotte Mason approach to homeschooling (if you don't know what that is, she is for sure the person to ask!). Whether you follow that approach or not, Brandy's weekly newsletters are always packed full of thought-provoking content. Farmhouse Schoolhouse Elsie Ludicello is one of the most encouraging voices in the homeschool community. Her Instagram posts are beautiful and uplifting, and her homeschool is an inspiration; definitely one to follow. Kara S. Anderson – Supporting you in real-life homeschooling I love Kara Anderson for her sense of humor and approachable styl