Crazy Blessed Adventures - Life With A Butt Load Of Kids

Advantages and Disadvantages of Homeschooling



How We Weighed the Advantages of Homeschooling Click here to download the Advantages and Disadvantages checklist FROM WENDY: The advantages and disadvantages I planned for, and the ones I actually found. We did not set out to homeschool. In fact, once upon a time (not very long ago), I swore I would never ever homeschool. I’ve worked in classrooms for years, and I love teaching. I loved my job working at my kids’ private school. I worked with my best friends, my kids had teachers I respected and who loved them, and I loved being part of their school. But at some point, it stopped working. More specifically, it stopped working for me to be working. We have a lot of kids, and just running our household with all the small bodies in it made a full-time job in and of itself. I knew deep down, before I wanted to admit it, that something needed to change. Staying home was an advantage, but also meant something would need to change for the kids’ schooling since we can’t exactly afford to put six kids through private