Errand Of Mercy

Errand of Mercy Episode 2, 23/05/2012: $tarbucks = $cientology



Feeling funky and making one of those "podcasts" that the kids love. Topless and too funky for the MRHA, staying dehydrated, Converting punks to funks, Starbucks are name fascists, Geraint the beverage nomad, Mixing up a mocha Frap, David Hayter is a busy man, playing the Wikipedia Sex Game, Dr Wank and the Sex Robot, eating 200 goat heads, Scientology is here, Scientology is scary, Scientology is Starbucks, the Olympics are sinister and we don't care, prepping for the summer riot season, Olympic paint-balling, awesome guy of the week, stop sending things into space, iphone retweets are lame and Maroon 5 make shit pop music